Jacques Bernier
B.ENGMember of the Board
Member of the Board
Mr. Jacques Bernier is co-founder and senior partner at Teralys Capital. He is a highly respected venture capitalist, entrepreneur and investor who has helped Canada’s technology innovation scene take shape. During his 30-year career spent contributing to the development of the high-tech sector, he was an active participant in more than a dozen emerging high-tech companies as a founder or financial angel; he was also senior vice-president of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ. The judgment he demonstrates and his extensive experience, appreciated by all, continue to contribute to defining, developing and implementing a new way of approaching venture capital in Quebec and elsewhere. Mr. Bernier sits on the boards of directors of PolyFinances, InnoCité Montréal, Quartier de l’Innovation, IRIC and takes part in philanthropic activities.
Mr. Bernier graduated from the Polytechnic School of Montreal with a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering (B.A.Sc.).